When painting the interior of your house, you have to paint the ceiling. To give it a look it deserves, you need to consider a number of tips recommended by interior house painters. Some of the tips to consider include:

Prepare the ceiling

Just like when painting the walls, you have to prepare the ceilings for painting. This is necessary if you had applied the paint previously on the ceiling. When you apply paint on the ceiling, it’s common for bumps and crud to get stuck there. To get rid of it you have to sand the ceiling. After sanding the surface, wipe it clean with a damp sponge. All you need to use is a high-quality sandpaper. By sanding the surface, you have an easy time applying the paint.

In addition to painting the surface, you also need to protect the areas that you don’t want to apply the paint. You should cover these areas with a piece of paper.

Use rollers instead of brushes

Once the surface is clean, you should go ahead and paint it. To do it you should use a roller instead of a brush. The main benefit of using the roller is that you can complete the project fast. To paint the surfaces evenly, you should make use of some tips. One of the tips is to paint the surfaces in sections. Here you need to cut your ceiling is sections of 5-6 feet and then paint them individually.

You should paint sections fast and move to the next one before the paint along the edges gets dry. This is known as “keep the wet edge,” and it comes in handy in preventing lap marks. House painting contractors recommend that you paint the different sections in right angles to get the best results.

Invest in high-quality paint

There is no way you will get perfect results when you use cheap paint. To get the most, you need to invest in the high-quality paint. Good paint is one that doesn’t spatter, dries up slowly and is flat—it isn’t glossy. Many brands are selling high-quality paints. It’s up to you to research the one that is ideal for your application.


These are the golden tips that you should consider when painting your house ceiling. While you can do the painting on your own if you have the skills, it’s always wise to hire experienced local painting contractors to help you out.

It’s the objective of every person painting the house to get the best results. It’s good to note that you don’t get ideal results just like that—you have to work for it. To help you out, here are tips proposed by professional painters on how to give your house a perfect look:

Prepare your painting surface

You won’t achieve ideal results if the painting surface isn’t properly prepared. You should fill all the holes. You should then wait for it to dry then sand the patches. If the wall is dirty, use a damp cloth to dust it off. It’s common to have gaps between the walls and the trim. Before you start the painting work you should first fill the gaps using paintable caulk. You should also fill hole and divots in the wood and smooth it after drying.

Use the right painting tools

Again, there is no way that you will have ideal painting results if you don’t use the right painting tools. When it comes to the preparation of the painting surface, you need the following tools: sandpaper, putty knife, damp lint-free rag, and spackle. If you need to fill the trim you need to have wood putty and paintable caulk. For painting, house painting contractors recommend that you have a stir stick, angled paint brush, roller cover, roller tray, roller extension pole, and rollers. You can use painter’s tape to protect the floor but if you don’t have it you should use a drop cloth. For ideal results, ensure that the brushes you use are of high quality. In addition to high-quality brushes giving a great finish, they also last for a long time.

Be wise in your paint selection

Different types of paints give different results and are ideal for different rooms of the house. For the trim, millwork contractors recommend that you use semi-gross paint. Contractors also recommend that you use eggshell paint for the bathrooms and kitchen. When it comes to the rest of the rooms, use flat paint. You should use latex paints as they dry quickly and give off less fumes. They are also easy to clean with water. All you have to do is ensure that the paint that you are using is of high quality.


By putting the right tips into place you will give your house a perfect look. To have an easy time, work with reputable local painting contractors.