There are some skin treatments or health treatments, in general, that may start an allergy. Certain allergic reactions may not directly come from the medication itself but from the smell or fume of the medicine or the surroundings where the medication had taken place. Possible also that the allergy had happened a few days ago, but just manifested during the medication of a different health case or skin problem. It’s best to have an allergy specialist check on your allergy to pinpoint the allergen.

The Unexpected Burning Situation

Sometimes minor incidents happen whenever we’re out, on a trip, or just within the vicinity of our own home, like minor burns. Minor burns damage only the outer layer of the skin, which is also medically termed as first-degree burns.

Common Causes of Minor Burns

  • Fire/Flame such as playing with matches or lighted candles
  • Steam or Hot liquids
  • By touching hot objects such as hot iron or hot pots and casseroles
  • Electrical burns
  • Some chemical burns caused by cooking oil or other hazardous fluids.

Symptoms of Minor Burns

  • Blisters if not treated immediately
  • Pain
  • Peeling of skin
  • Swelling
  • Red area or white and scorch skin

    Treatments for Minor Burns

    The first step in treating minor burns is to have the patient relax. Then keep the burned area cool by using cold water and NO ICE, take note of that. Whilst if the burn was caused by a chemical reaction, place the burned area under the shower, sink or a hose which has cold running water for around 15 mins.

    If it is sure to be a minor burn, do the following:

    • Using soap and water, clean the burned skin mildly.
    • If there’s a blister NEVER break it.
    • You can apply petroleum jelly or an Aloe Vera ointment on the affected area. It’s better to use an antibiotic-free cream or ointment to avoid an allergic reaction.
    • However, if pain occurs, it’s time to take pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other medication for pain that you can purchase over the counter.

      Heads Up!

      There are some medications that can start an allergic reaction such as:

      • Antibiotics
      • Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and naproxen

      Remember that aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are over-the-counter-drugs that are usually prescribed to patients with minor burns for pain treatment.

Try Home Remedies

There are natural remedies that can be found within the four corners of our home which can aid in the healing process and lessen the pain.

  1. Cold Water

Allowing cold water to stream down the burned area for a couple of minutes will prevent the inflammation from spreading and so will stop the burn from further affecting other parts of the skin. A cold compress will help tremendously. Keep the medication routine for a few hours will soothe the swelling and pain. Cold whole milk is also a good alternative to water if the former is not available.

  1. Raw Potato

Minor burns can also be treated by raw potato because of its anti-irritating and easing compound. It will also greatly mitigate the twinge and will lessen the possibility of having blisters. Just slice a small portion of the potato, then rub it gently on the affected area assuring that the liquid squeezed from it will be absorbed by the burned spot. Do this aid as soon as the burn took place to get fast healing results.

  1. Honey

Honey, as naturally sweet as it may be, has a disinfectant solution that helps burn areas heal faster. Spread an ample amount of honey on a non-stick gauze bandage, then gently patch it on the burned portion of the skin. Replace the gauze at least three times a day until the affected skin is fully healed. Honey draws certain fluids from tissues, which naturally cleans the burned area once applied.

  1. Vinegar

Vinegar has a property of an astringent and an antiseptic compound that is very effective in aiding minor burns and avoids the spread of infection.

  1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil also lessens that possibility of scars to occur as it has both the antiseptic and painkiller solutions.


If you would notice, there are medicines that will heal on skin problem, such as minor burns, but may also trigger certain allergies from occurring. It’s advisable to contact the best allergist Germantown to know how to make both, the minor burn and allergy, heal with the need of sacrificing any treatments. You just have to find an alternative treatment and for sure there are many.